A Folk remedy that is used to increase the efficiency of the known, and the effective use of the medicinal herbs of the fee in the form of decoctions, infusions, tinctures. Recipes of traditional medicine, improves erection for men before sexual activity and the extension of the sexual longevity and combating the age-related disturbances of potency.

How to quickly solve the problem
The Folk remedies are a quick action, which give rise to desire for men to improve the potency immediately before intercourse, or 3 days prior to an intimate encounter:
"Mulled wine, by the power of". A mixture of dried fruit (prunes, raisins, dried figs, dried apricots), in equal parts, pour red dry wine, add the honey, cloves, cinnamon to taste, boil on a low flame. To raise morals, just before eating, and sexual intercourse. The remains of the syrup with the mix of the dried fruit consumed in small amounts during the evening, before meals.
The fresh juice of a green. The root of this plant through a juicer, or grate, squeeze the liquid through the cheesecloth. To 100 g of juice mixed with milk and honey, for an hour or two before intimacy before a meal. A proven way to improve a man's potency.
A blend of essential oils with the honey. A couple of drops of ginger, rose, sandalwood essential oil, blended with a small amount of honey, to quickly take in the interior before a meal, have a drink of warm water. It is recommended as an effective way for the good of potency.
"Elixir of passion". 5 to 10 drops of tincture of Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, aralia, mix in a small amount of water, and the duration of the sexual intercourse. It improves the blood circulation, immediately causing a rush of blood to the penis, quickly raises the tone of the body. The medication can be taken every day 30 drops after meals. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.
The nature of the erectile dysfunction, which is the result of a mechanical or of a psycho-genic disorder. In the first case, it is connected with infringement of blood supply of pelvic organs, second – the stress, the fear of failure. In any case, apply the appropriate techniques to restore the normal power to increase male potency and libido.
An effective folk remedy for the recovery of the power, due to the improved market:

- "The ice pack". The Led chip is wrapped in the thick, natural woven fabrics, which are used for the various parts of the body: the head, the chest, the testicles, for 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It increases the elasticity of blood vessels, accelerates blood flow, increases the potency.
- Of mustard plasters to the feet. Moisten in warm water, apply to your feet for 15-20 minutes. It improves the circulation of blood in the lower parts of the body, which is causing a rush of blood to the organs of the reproductive system in men, increases the potency.
- On the contrary, leads the process. The alternating baths of cold and hot water to the pelvic Section. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels of the male sexual organs, increases the potency.
When Troubleshooting problems with the nervous regulation of the reduced strength, it is sometimes the best policy is simply to sleep well, relieve the tension of the water treatment. In order to regain confidence, to relieve stress, to get rid of the fear of failure, improve the potency, prior to the upcoming date, it will be of help to the home of simple folk methods:
- "Bath Bay". 50 g of a dried Bay leaf to the boil in 1 litre of water, add the broth, resulting in a warm bath. Reduce your stress, allows you to improve the potency.
- A bath with pine broth. Pine needles, branches, pine cones, spruce, fill it with water and leave it for half an hour. Push the soup for a couple of hours and added directly to water while taking a bath. It eliminates the fears and nervous tension.
- An infusion of purple. 1 tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, let it sit in the divided doses during the day. Allows you to improve the potency with a mild cases of the sexual disorders of psychogenic etiology.
- Royal jelly. A unique product of the bees. A single dose means is, before you eat, you can increase the vitality to give the vitality, the improvement of potency and erection.

The intake of animal protein, the seafood, the vegetables, the herbs, the hot and spicy foods cooked with pepper, he will want to increase the power. A strong and hard boner is guaranteed to you.
A man who is ready for the age of the
At the age of is a natural decrease in the production of testosterone, the sex drive goes out the power of the weak. Stress, poor quality food, bad environment, unhealthy lifestyle, has led to the fact that the initial symptoms of impotence have noted, more than half of all men after 45 years. Moderate exercise, Walking, The diet – lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, herbs and spices, and for a long period of time to prolong the active sex life of men.
The most effective folk recipes to enhance a man's health after 40, without the side-effects the first signs of decreasing strength:
With the honey pot. A strong increase in sexual desire, an actively growing raised to the power of the product for enhancing immunity:
- A blend of natural grape wine with honey and a small amount of the aloe juice, filled up about 2 weeks, you can add the parsley and seeds or celery. Take a spoonful after meals twice a day.
- A mix of honey, grated ginger, carrot juice in equal quantities. Take a SIP of the mixture after meals to counter, raised to the power of.
- 500 grams of nuts, mix them with a glass of honey and half a Cup of aloe juice and take it before eating a spoonful of Nuts with honey is an effective remedy against anemia, the difficulty with potency.
- 30 g of honey with spirulina should be taken before meals for 2 weeks: to treat impotence, reinforce the body to get rid of many diseases.
Bee propolis is used in the treatment of BPH. The use of pollen before meals, increases the sex drive, increase your strength, it has an active sexual partner for 60 years.
The Shilajit. A natural anti-oxidant, a natural anti-inflammatory substance, which is used in the treatment of prostate, to improve the potency:
- Mix with honey in the ratio of 1: 10, take 15 grams before meals.
- A tincture of the mummy. It is to be taken after meals, several times a day on a teaspoon.
- On the contrary, the bath with the mummy.

The winter mushroom. Miraculously, the combination of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, enhances strength, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels:
- A handful of the fresh snow and honey for a vodka that comes in a couple of weeks in a dark place at a low temperature. The infusion make a month in small SIPS before eating.
- 40 g of the powder of the dried mushrooms, before you fall asleep in a thermos and pour the boiling water over the night. Take 20 grams of before meals within a month.
- A dozen chopped mushrooms to the winter cover with water, bring to a boil. Remove the neck prior to eating.
A nettle. A plant with strong anti inflammatory properties, strengthens and heals the body, increases efficiency, improves the the male hormonal balance
- 20 g of nettle leaves pour boiling water and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes. Take 10 grams before meals.
- A handful of chopped roots nettle pour in a bottle of vodka and leave in a cool place for a month. Taken orally, 25 drops of a half-hour before meals, for about two weeks.
A mixture with other herbs. Nettles Mix, peppermint, st. john's wort, clover the same way, add the water, and persist for a few hours. Take a SIP before meals for 3-4 weeks.
Hawthorn. A storehouse of vitamins, flavonoids, tannins, unsaturated fatty acids. The beneficial use for the recovery of the erection, to increase the desire and the power to:
- Medicine a tea from the fruits and inflorescence of hawthorn, each day, after meals.
- The tinctures. A cup of berries or hawthorn flowers, pour alcohol, insist month. Every day, a teaspoon before meals.

Ginseng. The most powerful aphrodisiac, the "love vine." It strengthens the body's immune system, stimulating an erection and potency:
- A tincture of the root. The container, which is filled with the roots up to the top completely to pour the vodka, infuse 2 weeks. Take a spoonful before meals within a month, to ensure that it to increase the potency of the.
- The soup. 100 g of root pour half a liter of water and insist in a dark room for a couple of days, the boil on a low heat, add honey and cinnamon to taste. Take half a Cup a day after meals for a couple of weeks.
To improve the potency of the people to use the recipes from the onion and garlic, shepherd's purse, European, tincture of thyme, calamus, lovage. Among the various methods, and recipes, you are sure to find your perfect tool that will allow you to maintain the sexual health and an enviable power to a ripe old age.